What You'll Learn

  • The What, Why & How of Manifestation

    This is for you if you'd like to know how to use your thoughts and mindset to achieve your goals quicker. Manifestation has become quite the buzzword which has left a lot of people wondering WTF it is in the first place. We'll uncover that in the first few activities. You've been manifesting all along.

  • Attack Limiting Beliefs & Self-Sabotage

    With activities focused on shifting your mindset, the e-book will give you tools to eliminate the beliefs that keep you small. We often overlook the power of the thoughts that we allow to occupy our minds rent-free. But everything we have and do is a result of the ideals we align with.

  • Obtain Clarity on Your Goals & The Why Behind Them

    In order for us to meet our goals, we have to first know what they are. More importantly, knowing why we started in the first place. If you've never taken a moment to have some uninterrupted time for goal-setting, it's time. Prepare to dive-deep as you position yourself for success.

What Our Readers Are Saying

Chevanice, Wig Guru

Owner of @TresBeauxWigs

This workbook is the reason I overcame my imposter syndrome! It really helps you unlock WHAT you want and exactly WHY you want it. I recommend this book 10/10. It's already triggering me so I know I'm about to unlock a whole new part of me.

Keisha Pinto

CEO of @KeishaPintoEvents

I absolutely LOVE it. As soon as I got it I was going at it and couldn't even stop. I quite enjoyed it. I really really like it and go through it every now and then and read through it.

'People are capable, at any time in their lives, of doing what they dream of.'